Recommended by Emerging Market Skeptic
Their Brazil Value Talks series with various Brazilian investors (I have been saving them in my inbox and I have been meaning to read through them - I’ve suggested they put these in a separate section of the Substack to make them easier to find and read) reminds me of the book: "The Warren Buffetts Next Door - The World's Greatest Investors You've Never Heard Of and What You Can" - only with an emerging markets twist as its Brazilian investors...
I am usually not a fan of listening to podcasts BUT this one's name tells you exactly what you are getting as Kalani always seems to find interesting Asia-focused guests and is a good interviewer (as he listens to his interviewees). MORE IMPORTANTLY: He posts a transcript on Substack + the podcast is on Youtube (easier to rewind etc than on Spotify, etc.)
If you want unique and fascinating insights into SE Asia and Malaysian politics-culture in particular, Murray Hunter will publicly write about subjects that I would be too afraid to go on record and say! Neither you nor I may agree with all of his takes, but they are always worth considering and he is well worth reading by anyone interested in SE Asia....
As Patrick (the writer for this Substack) points out, its hard to find good information (like stock pick writeups) about investments in Latin America, especially in English. IF you see anything at all written about Latin American stocks, it will probably be about big NYSE etc listed stocks OR the content is politically focused expressing official US foreign policy / DC thinktank views about the region. This is a good Substack to follow if your interest is just on finding good LATAM stocks.
Uzbekistan is a very interesting up and coming frontier market albeit it might be difficult for the average investor to gain exposure to it beyond the AFC Uzbekistan Fund. IF you are interested in the country (or region) for whatever reason, this Substack is a good place to start...
I just discovered this weekly news summary wrap-up for the Middle East. However, Bloomberg appears to be the primary source for article summaries on here rather than local or non-MSM sources. Nevertheless, this Substack is worth checking out given its publishing consistency.